Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's Done

So, I moved on.

The specifics aren't important but I resigned from my last position. My last day was a couple weeks back and I've gotten over the doing-nothing-while-I-look-for-a-job phase and will put my time to use learning Ruby and then Rails.

This will serve a few purposes for me:

Learn a bit
As I look at different opportunities, I'm naturally seeing RoR all over the place and I'd like to be able to speak about it semi-coherently.

Keeps my mind busy
I'm at that point in my career where I haven't done much hands-on coding in quite a while. This will be a some good mental exercise.

Gives me a vehicle for experimentation
I have a few ideas I'd like to explore / prototype. Any stack will do, why not RoR and a bit of mySQL.

As I go I'll post my thoughts and track my progress. Maybe I'll learn something.

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